Therapy, Spiritual Counseling and Groups with Kathy Harris In Marin County, CA and Abroad via Zoom

Kathy Harris is fulfilled by practicing therapy, counseling and group work with others through matters of spirit, mind, body and heart. She has been a teacher at The Krishnamurti School in South England, a trainer for The Center for Attitudinal Healing, a primary counselor for the Stanford Protocol for pelvic pain, and a facilitator personally recommended by Byron Katie to lead The Work with inmates in San Quentin.

Kathy Harris Counseling


Attitudinal Healing
The Sedona Method
The Work of Byron Katie
Qi Gong
Communication Skills


J. Krishnamurti
The Course in Miracles
Vipassana Meditation
Nature and the High Sierra
Individual clients & the circles Kathy facilitates

Kathy Harris Counseling


  • "Kathy is my go-to spiritual genius for when I'm feeling stuck or lost."

    Katie Darling, Tiburon

  • "Kathy is so gifted in facilitating and so beautifully connected with Spirit. I'm learning that sharing our ups and downs, particularly our struggles, provides openings to peace and happiness."


  • "The two years I have spent in the Women's group have made a big difference in my life. Much of what I have experienced I attribute to Kathy's facilitation. She keeps the group on track and going deeper without my even noticing until it's over - the mark of a great leader."


  • "I consider this group to be a blessing. Kathy is a remarkable facilitator who is able to create an extremely supportive environment in which everyone feels safe to express themselves freely. By the end of each meeting, there is almost always a palpable sense of connection and community."


  • "Kathy is able to create such a safe, fun and adventurous place for people to explore and share their lives. This group has provided me with so much support and love that I am going to sign up again and again!"


  • "Kathy's Women's Group has been a significant part of my healing. What a gift this group has been."

    T.A., Petaluma