My spiritual path began in my early teens when I asked my mom, “There must be something more than this, right?” Her answer was, “No.” – I knew she was wrong!

After university I lived in Paris, learning French and being an au pair. I joined the French domestic Peace Corps and worked in the French Pyrenees. I lived in an abandoned farm house with other young people, sleeping in the hay loft where snow swirled in through the open walls. That year on the farm was powerful. I learned Tai Chi, became a vegetarian, fasted one day a week and read “Be Here Now” by Ram Dass.

From the farm I hitchhiked to Saanen, Switzerland to hear J. Krishnamurti speak. Then I hitchhiked to his school in southern England where I taught for seven years. His teaching was to be a light unto one’s self. Our efforts to be free do not free us. Rather it is seeing the false that will set us free.

During that time I spent a year in India. I studied with Desikachar, Krishnamurti’s yoga teacher. For 6 months students from the school in England were with me as we visited different Krishnamurti Schools throughout India. We then trekked in Nepal for 17 days.

Since 1983, I have been associated with The Center for Attitudinal Healing as Director of the Children’s Program, consultant and trainer. I also spent three years in and out of Russia as Program Director of The Russia Project after the fall of the Berlin Wall, helping to set up a non-profit for spiritually-based emotional support groups in Moscow. I also co-led trainings in Latvia, Lithuania and the Ukraine.

Strong influences in my life have been J. Krishnamurti, Vimala Thakar, Vipassana Meditation, The Course in Miracles, Attitudinal Healing, Vanessa Stone, Qigong.

I have a private counseling practice via zoom and in person in Marin, CA and abroad via zoom. I lead 3 different Women’s Group in Mill Valley. I facilitated two weekly men’s groups for inmates at San Quentin Prison, in CA for 12 years. I now co-facilitate a weekly zoom group for men who were recently incarcerated for 20 to 40 years and are now out navigating their new lives. I also lead Attitudinal Healing trainings and workshops in Marin and abroad.

I am blessed, experiencing a homecoming in my work, whether it is with the men who were once incarcerated, the women’s groups, or private sessions.

– Kathy Harris